I can just list my own experience with loading my own actual PS2 memcard saves onto PS3 running Rebug. With all that said, I'm not sure about your gamefaqs save files format compatibility. the PlayStation Portable uses a USB cable to connect to the PlayStation 2. Download File: GodofWarSaves.7z Description This file contains four saves made at different points in the game. The ability to use old save data (or in rare cases, use of the physical game). You can also view the God of War description page for more information. Click here for information about the Save Archive and instructions. VM2 file contents will not show up in the XMB until you go play a PS2 game on the system with the affected memcard in either slot 1 or slot 2. Click the link (s) below to download the desired save game file for God of War (PS2). VM2 file in /savedata/vmc- The file has to have been previously created in the PS3's internal memory card utility for the database/XMB to pick up the. What I found out through the process - PS3 will not take a memcard other than a.

ULaunchELF on the PS2 would read each save on the real memcard and paste it on USB drive as a. I used this when transferring real saves from my old memory cards on PS2 over to PS3 running Rebug so I could play my PS2 games on PS3 exactly where I had left off on the ol PS2.How this worked was: Description: 5 save slots with the best items made through item creation, Nei ressurected and with the silver bullet necklace. VM2 and copy it to the PS3s Virtual Memory Card folder (devhdd0/savedata/vmc/), using a CFW PS3s file manager. PS2 save file, bypassing MagicGate encryption. There is an app for your PC called myMC that reads/writes ".ps2" PS2 memcard files, which are the same as the PS3's. BIN here, then we can use myMC to insert the individual saves into a formatted PCSX2.